Sep 26, 2004

Vietnam in 60 Seconds

Here are two versions of the 60-second spot, "History Lesson", in two different file formats. Save these locally to your computer before playing them (right-click and 'save target')
File Name (File Size) File Format
history-lesson-lorez.swf (823390 bytes) Flash 6.0
history-lesson-lorez.avi (2326528 bytes) DIVX format
history-lesson-hirez.swf (2654294 bytes) Flash 6.0
history-lesson-hirez.avi (4507648 bytes) DIVX format

Please help me get this seen by as many people as possible. Please feel free to mirror and redistribute this clip. The more people that can remember why the Vietnam War was a bad idea, the better chance we have of not continuing to make similar mistakes in Iraq today.