
I wonder how much longer American voters can continue to ignore this festering wound. It clearly looks like gangrene has set in. This president was on vacation most of the first 9 months of his time in office. He flew away when the terrorists struck, only to fly back for the photo ops on the smoking ruins. After that, he tried to cover up the blunders, blaming everyone he could besides those in his cabinet that had clear warnings that they ignored.

He launched an illegal war in Iraq, forgetting to find Osama, proclaimed mission accomplished before it was, swaggered and jeered at the Iraqi rebellion, saying "Bring 'em on". What sort of moron taunts his enemy? Especially an enemy that is sitting on tons of explosives that we left unguarded? Since then, the I.E.D.s have killed or wounded thousands.

But wait! That's not all! He has secret prisons overseas, he wiretaps domestic calls, he exposes C.I.A. agents and their contacts to serve his crazy political agenda. The best thing that George W. Bush has going for him is that his critics tend to run out of breath just bringing up the list of horrible things he's done wrong.

The Republican House and Senate virtually ignore his crimes, after IMPEACHING Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job.

I really do wonder how much longer voters can stomach this. Did I mention how Bush ignored Katrina? Heckuva job, Brownie! Guess I missed that one. See? The list is overwhelming.

I definitely smell rotting flesh. I strongly suspect gangrene has set in. Is it already too late to amputate?